Sustainable Energy
Turku Energia has made consistent progress towards renewable and carbon-neutral energy production. In 2023, 87 per cent of district heat was generated with renewable fuels. In 2023, the specific emissions of district heating in the Turku area were 38 kg CO2 per MWh of energy sold, decreasing by 37 per cent from 2022. We are actively working towards achieving carbon neutrality in our own energy production by the end of 2029.

Origin of district heating and cooling
The district heat of Turku Energia is mainly produced at the Naantali power plant, Oriketo bioheat plant and Kakola heat pump plant owned by our affiliated company, Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto Oy (TSE), as well as at Turku Energia's Artukainen steam-heat plant. In addition, Turku Energia procures about five per cent of the total district heat requirement by procuring heat generated through the use of biofuels and waste heat from its co-operation partners and customers. During peak loading times in freezing winters and when there are disturbances in the operation of the base generation plant, the Turku Energia Luolavuori pellet heat plant and oil-fired heating plants are used in addition to the facilities mentioned previously.
District cooling is produced at the Kakola heat pump plant. All our cooling solutions are 100 per cent renewable, and specific emissions are 0 kgCO2 per MWh of energy sold.
Approximately 87 per cent of the district heat we sold in 2023 was produced with renewable energy sources. 29 per cent of this was produced using non-combustion technology, i.e. at TSE's Kakola heat pump plant and the electric boiler of the Naantali power plant. In 2023, the specific emissions of district heating in the Turku area were 38 kg CO2 per MWh of energy sold, decreasing by 37 per cent from 2022. Our customers can purchase 100% renewable district heating through our EkoTakuu Lämpö products. The products are included in the Registry of guarantees of origin for heating and cooling maintained by the Energy Authority.
Our roadmap to carbon neutrality
Turku Energia has made determined investments in renewable and carbon-neutral energy production. The largest investments have already been made, but in 2023, we decided to invest in a new electric boiler in Turku. On our final sprint towards carbon-neutrality in energy production, we will utilise not only electric boilers but also e.g. waste heat and energy storage in accumulators.
District heating fuels
District heating was mainly produced with biofuel at TSE's Naantali power plant and the Oriketo bioheat plant. Biofuel for the plants is delivered by road transport from Finland and by sea transport from the Baltic countries. Energy wood includes, for example, chips from roundwood and forest residue chips. Forest industry residues and side streams, such as saw dust and bark, have minor impacts on the environment and biodiversity.
TSE procures energy wood from operators that can certify that the raw materials come from ecologically sustainable regions and that their origin and entire supply chain can be verified at any time. All the above-mentioned countries of origin meet the sustainability requirements of the RED II Directive for forest biomass at country level, and forest biomass obtained from these countries is considered sustainable. The sustainability of raw materials has also been demonstrated in accordance with the sustainability system approved by the Energy Authority.
The Naantali power plant also incinerates recycled fuel (SRF), which is produced from non-recyclable commercial, industrial and construction waste. As support fuel, the Naantali power plant uses asphalt and milled peat. The use of coal at the plant is ending, and at this point, it is only used and stored in preparation for exceptional situations. Furthermore, in 2023, district heating was produced at the Naantali power plant with an electric boiler, which replaced some of the district heating formerly produced by burning fuel.
Fuels for heat procurement in Turku region 2023
Emissions from district heating in the Turku region
(Emissions from the plants of Turku Energia and its affiliated company Turun Seudun Energiatuotanto Oy. Emissions have been calculated using the benefit-sharing method)
Particulate emissions 2019–2023, t
Specific emission of particles, t/GWh
Nitrogen oxide emissions 2019–2023, t
Specific emission of nitrogen oxides, t/GWh
Sulfur dioxide emissions 2019–2023, t
Specific emission of sulfur dioxide, t/GWh
Carbon dioxide emissions 2019–2023, t
Specific emission of carbon dioxide, t/GWh
Origin of electrical energy
We produce about one-third of the electricity we sell. All the electricity we produce is sold to the Nordic Nord Pool power exchange, where we also buy the electricity we sell. We produce renewable electricity with water and wind power in our affiliated company, which includes the Svartisen's hydroelectric power plant, Kolsin Voima's hydroelectric power plants and Suomen Hyötytuuli's wind power plants. Turku Energia also has numerous purchase agreements with different power plants, such as the Högsåra wind power farm and Kiskonjoki hydro-power plant.
We also produced electricity in production plants owned by Turku Energia's affiliated companies, including the Naantali power plant owned by Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto Oy (TSE).
Origin of electrical energy in 2022
Electricity sold to Turku Energia's customers in 2022 by source:
- Renewable energy sources 49.2%
- Fossil energy sources and peat 10.4%
- Nuclear power 40.4%
Average specific CO2 emissions from electricity production: 70.11 g/kWh
Quantity of nuclear fuel used: 1.33 mg/kWh
Electricity with unverified origin sold by Turku Energia by origin:
- Renewable energy sources 17.3%
- Fossil energy sources and peat 17%
- Nuclear power 65.7%
Average specific CO2 emissions from electricity production: 114.04 g/kWh
Quantity of nuclear fuel used: 2.17 mg/kWh
The distribution of origins was calculated on the basis of the national residual mix reported by the Finnish Energy Authority and the guarantees of origin obtained by Turku Energia. Guarantees of origin are granted for electricity produced from renewable energy sources. This means that guarantees of origin are also a proof to the customer that the electricity is produced from renewable energy sources. The Finnish Energy Authority publishes the residual mix annually in June. The figures are then updated on our website.
The national residual mix of Finland contains electricity generated by fossil fuels and nuclear power as well as its share of the production of renewable electricity, which has not been sold separately with guarantees of origin.